May 29, 2008

Pot Luck

It was a nice morning, we had a pot luck with the girls , the day before school got out , so we did not have all the kids with us,so I made Pizza and Nicole mad a Greek pizza that was very good, with spinach mixed in the crust,there is only one piece left like you can see...then i made pasta with cream sauce and ham , but i forgot to take a picture, and we had yummy deserts Brownies that Michel made (I love brownies...), strawberries covered chocolate and this other thing that was really good that Sandy brought, i need to ask her the ingredients again.. we had fun and eat like little girl piggies, i am going to miss them when they leave, because i forgot to tell you that they are all leaving except Monica, sniff, sniff...Ciao my friends Love you all , your Italian friend Dolly.

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