May 22, 2008

Peppers & eggplants

Hi every one, I went to the flea market with my friend Michel two weeks ago, and i got some sweet baby peppers and some small eggplant , they where so pretty , Michel gave me a idea on making them with cheese, (because she made some jalapeno with cream cheese and bacon ) so i cut the top part off and just stuffed them with cream cheese and put them in the oven at 400 F 4 2 hr.s and with them i put the eggplants .... so you see the sweet peppers came out , they where so good, and the eggplants i just cut them in half and scraped the center out , put some salt olive oil and garlic mixed and it was so good on some french bread cut in slices.... after that i had some almost black bananas so i made a banana pudding, that was good to... OK my friends ciao see you soon....Dolly

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