May 5, 2008

Focaccia ripiena

Hi every one , today i tried to make a Italian dish that i never had made before and it is called Focaccia ripiena , field Pizza, then i made 4 little ham and cheese pizzas for the kids, but to my surprise ,Matteo eat the focaccia with Zucchini... So that is very good, another way to feed them veggies..... :-) I am liking my Kitchen Aid machine very much.....
For the focaccia , I just made the pizza dough ,and let it sit for 1hr. I cooked the zucchini in a pan with garlic and olive oil , after a little i added some parsley and half cup of water, when they where nice and soft and the water was gone i turn them off and waited for 20 min., then I added (to the cold zucchini) 1 egg, ptarmigan cheese ,grated and some mozzarella shredded, mixed and let is sit until i made a layer with half of the dough and laid it on the pan, so i field it with the zucchini and then covered it with the remaining of the dough, brushed some olive oil on the top poked some holes and put it in the oven for 30 min. well after that you know what came out of the oven.... I hope you all enjoy.... ciao a tutti , buon appetito , your Italian friend Dolly.

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