May 18, 2008

Eating out

Tonight we went to Buffalo Wild Wings, , Being Italian , we love to go and eat typical US food... so i forgot to take a picture of the Hot wings that we eat... they where good and maybe since we where so hungry we never thought to take pictures... so after we got a grill ed chicken salad a cheese chicken sandwich and chicken tacos everything was good , but not the best , i really liked the wings though so i am sure that we are going to go back there only for that... after dinner we went to this Ice Cream place that i like, it is called Cold Stone , and it is very cool , because you choose the type of Ice cream and the stuff you want in it, then they get it and mix it all together put in a cup and give it to you to eat, we got :mint chocolate syrup and chocolate they mixed it and gave to us, Andrea & Matteo wanted vanilla ice cream and strawberry's, it was good let me tell you... so i hope you like what you see, ciao to every one love you Dolly...


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