May 1, 2008


today at lunch we had some friends for lunch , but i didn't have nothing ready , so i wiped up some "Spaghetti al Tonno " some Parmiggiano and sun ripe tomatoes, the pasta is super easy, you put in a bowl a can of tuna, drained, and crush it , add oregano and capers to finish olive oil after you add the spaghetti.... well i hope you like it as much as my friends liked it........ ciao and i will write soon, Dolly.


snapie said...

Everything looks so awesome! Do you put other spices in the spaghetti? Great Blog! Elke(the girl that was smelling the food at Aprils shower):)

Dollys_Kitchen said...

Ciao Elke, No i just put olive oil tuna fish (the one in the can) oregano and capers, well you should know that cheese don't go with fish plates.... but that is all..... i am glad that you like my blog stop in when ever you want to, ciao bella....