Jun 12, 2008

Eggplant experiment

Hi everyone, i am a little tired these days , my mom is coming to visit and i am cleaning the house and getting everything ready so i don;t have to do lot's when she is here, and we can spend time together, so i had some grilled eggplant left from the day before(they where grilled , with some salt ,olive oil and garlic on ), so i just tryed to use them in a different way , i love to experiment.. nothing that anyone didn't already did , but i never made it and i didn't have a recipe, so i went by ear... i got the left over eggplants and I layed them down and put some cheese and ham in them and rolled them up put them in a pan and put tomato sauce and a very little on salt in the oven for 20 min. on 350 f. just the time to melt the cheese and it is ready, well let me say Kurt is not a really big fan of eggplant, he eats them but... when i made them like this he really liked them ,then i had some pasta with Italian pesto and a mixed salad. i hope you enjoy, I will see you soon, ciao Dolly.

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