Jan 2, 2008

Natale, the day after....

Hi every one , I hope you all had a beautiful Xmas and New Year, we had lots of parties and i have to say that i had to much to drink on New years eve....... :-) but a lot of fun.
This is the day after Christmas and i had my friend Veronica over , her hubby is in Iraq so i try to have her over often, we had a good dinner , ,well my mom was here so she cooked...:-) we had saltinbocca alla Romana, Ham with pine apple, zucchini bell peppers and and German garlic bread, for dessert i made Mascarpone cream with amaretti, every thing was good and what is better then eating with friends.... i hope i will be able to put more stuff in, i have pictures but not that much time since we are moving...., but i will try, maybe i will put in pictures of all the fast food restaurant i go to when i am in the states... :-)I hope you all have a wonderful 2008, ciao from your Italian friend Dolly.

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