Jan 11, 2008

2 days after New Years Eve......

We love food , but let me tell you, after all the Holidays .....!!!
We where exploding...
So we had chicken nuggets carrots , Italian cheese , Bisquits and for ,dessert peaches.
A light dinner for us and the kids.. what did you guys eat after the Holidays...?
ciao love you all , Dolly.


Anonymous said...

Dolly, I loved your pics, seems like u had so much fun with your friends. Great!
We do something when u come back from Italy, maybe the following week end. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE LEAVING. ALL BEST WISHES AND SEND ME YOUR EMAIL. I HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. Do you need a houseboy at your house in Italy? I can't cook, but I can wax the cinquecento and take care of the garden.....BUT NO DENTISTRY! Best, MikeY
