Jan 5, 2008

German Cold Dinner.....

This is a typical cold German dinner , it is very good ,our friends had us over for Franks B-day .... I will miss them so much when we will be in AZ, but i am thankful to the army only for one reason , thanks of my hubby's Job, we got to meet many people and Melanie ,Frank ,Justin and Jeremy are some of them....They are good friends, and will be missed very much.

This is a salty cake made with eggs, bacon,veggies cheese. cooked in the oven good stuff...

German deviled eggs and a cream to eat with the meat made with cheese ,beer and spices..

fried meet sausages and nuggets, ham salad , potato salad German stile , it is closer to Italian stile

Cold cuts and smoked sausages...
for dessert Frank him self mad a double pudding cake that was good... and some chocolates... well i hope you all enjoy. See you soon my friends , Kisses from your Italian friend Dolly.

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