Jan 11, 2008

2 days after New Years Eve......

We love food , but let me tell you, after all the Holidays .....!!!
We where exploding...
So we had chicken nuggets carrots , Italian cheese , Bisquits and for ,dessert peaches.
A light dinner for us and the kids.. what did you guys eat after the Holidays...?
ciao love you all , Dolly.

Jan 10, 2008

The 1st.... Happy New Year......

Well, well, this his after midnight, every was parting and having fun... I just hope this is going to be a good year for every one....

the 31st Gen. 2007, waiting for the 2008.....!!!!

This was a super evening lots of good food and lots of good friends, what can you want more...???
Maria ,Me and Michael
Me and Veronica
Me and Rachel

Dina, Me and Katie

Iris and Me, I just love this woman...

All the girls , the only one missing is ME.... always taking the pictures...lol.
The Kids that are trying to stay awake but for one it is not possible, guess who?
We had a mix dinner , there was Greek and Italian,
Michael made the Sluvaky, "I am not sure that you write it like this....!!!"
Potatoes cooked in the oven with herbs, Greek olives , they r my favorites.... and a rice that was so good , I don't know how he made it but it was good , and a little spicy.. I made caprese tortellini with cream, egg plantes cooked in the pan with, garlic, olive oil and hot pepper. Katie asked for them she loves them.....then i made a cucumber and tomato salad.

Here he is with daddy,, my little prince, he tryed but nothing......and her sister went to bed even earlier....
Veronica with all the Dogs....Lucy , Max and Isis... well the heads are missing of two...lol

I hope that you all enjoy these pictures like i do, for me friends and family are everything, that is how you cook good food, kisses from Dolly, Happy New Year!!!!!!

Jan 5, 2008

German Cold Dinner.....

This is a typical cold German dinner , it is very good ,our friends had us over for Franks B-day .... I will miss them so much when we will be in AZ, but i am thankful to the army only for one reason , thanks of my hubby's Job, we got to meet many people and Melanie ,Frank ,Justin and Jeremy are some of them....They are good friends, and will be missed very much.

This is a salty cake made with eggs, bacon,veggies cheese. cooked in the oven good stuff...

German deviled eggs and a cream to eat with the meat made with cheese ,beer and spices..

fried meet sausages and nuggets, ham salad , potato salad German stile , it is closer to Italian stile

Cold cuts and smoked sausages...
for dessert Frank him self mad a double pudding cake that was good... and some chocolates... well i hope you all enjoy. See you soon my friends , Kisses from your Italian friend Dolly.