Jul 28, 2008

Orecchiette & Braciole

OK my friends , this was made few weeks ago when my mom was still here, i really like south Italian food, and this is a dish that my Grandma use to make once a week normally on Saturday or Sunday , basically when all the family was together... It is a type of past that she makes , well all the Nonnas from Italy normally make the pasta... specially the traditional ones..
But i need to say that we bought it, because we are not that good on making it... :-)
The sauce it's made with meat , more precisely with Cow , it is a thin slices of meat with a filling of: salt ,pepper ,spicy cheese , garlic and parsley.. rolled up and put a tooth pick to close it...
Fry the rolls is a pan with some Olive oil and when brown add the tomato (crushed ), half of glass of red dry vino,2 bay leaf ,i cup of water and some salt if needed.
Let it cook for 2 hr.s or until the meat is really cooked, add water if needed.
Cook the pasta, ( al dente) drain it and then add the sauce to it , serve a salad with the meat , And buon appetito ,I hope you like it , let me know , ciao to every one , love you like always your Italian friend Dolly.

Jul 25, 2008

Pohi..... Ihop

OK i know that this is late , but i could not resist to put the pictures up... I so much love American breakfast,since in Italy we just eat cappuccino with cookies or croissant.... so i got the Sampler with a little of everything and the blueberry pancakes... let me tell you it was very good, and a good source for a long day at Disney Land.... ciao amici miei , see you later... Love you all Dolly.

Jul 22, 2008

Dinner for Shawn

We are having our friend Shawn over every time we can , because he is lonely with out his lovely wife,(she will be coming in a few weeks and i am so happy , we will be stationed together again.....)So this time I got him on picture and I am putting him on the Web.....
We had potatoes with sausages, pasta with meat sauce and salad with Italian dressing (salt , pepper, vinegar and Olive oil) everything was very good , even the vino that we had ....
Ciao my friends , love you all, Dolly.

Finally I had my long time friends from Tucson over my house , i meet them 7-8 years ago in Italy they where stationed there , Amelia and Steven, they are wonderful , i love them so much... they bought some exchange students that are staying at there home , one girl comes from French and another from Germany, really nice young women2 days after they where here I went over there house , because it was Ryan's 4th B-day , so we had very much fun... Some times i think that it was meant to be for us to come here , so we could see friend that maybe we where never going to see again... but I am glad that they liked my enchiladas....
for the kids I made some pasta with Ragu sauce, but the Enchiladas where a hit.... ok my friends it is late so i need to go to bed , but i hope to see you soon, ciao belli ,Dolly.

Jul 18, 2008

Baby Crisp.....he!he!he!

Hi everyone, this was few days ago, we had dinner with Kris and all the family, she just had this wonderful little one , he is so cute..... we had some Shish Kebab and pizza bruschetta for the kids i made Gnocchi with tomato sauce, and then for dessert we had this cake that Kris brought and it was very good with lots of caramel, I love Caramel.....well we had a good time the kids played and we chatted and the baby slept the majority of the time....

Kebab for 5 people:

6 sausages
1 Onion
5 mushroom's
20 shrimps
2 yellow zucchini
1 Bell pepper
season all
salt pepper
olive oil
cut and wash all the veggies , cut the sausages and when everything is prepared , start putting the pieces together how ever you prefer, when it is done , just rub some season all salt and pepper on the Kebabs , after that put some Oil on them so they don't dry to much when cooking, cover them and put them in the fridge for 2-3 Hr.s then cook on the grill until the sausages are ready, buon appetito....

Pizza Bruschetta:

3 big tomatoes
1 big garlic clove
Olive oil ,6 table spoons
If you can't find the basil use oregano ,2 table spoons

Cut the tomatoes in little pieces , and mince the garlic cut the basil leaves and mix everything together with the salt and the oil ,and set aside.
Make the pizza dough then when you mad a layer , (very thin...) cook it until nice and crunchy, don't burn it. when ready take it out of the oven and cut it up in slices if you can , then put it in the serving platter and add the salsa that you mad before on it evenly, i hope you enjoy it, OK my friends I love chatting with you and i hope you find it easy to make all this food, ciao from your Italian friend, Dolly.

Jul 10, 2008

Fish & Pasta

Well, well , here I am trying to cook fish, i sow my father do it many moons ago and it looked easy , so i made it yesterday , It was Farley easy . here is the recipe.

3 Trout's ( cleaned and washed )
1 lemon
2 garlic glove's
Big bunch of Parsley
Olive Oil

Make 3 Cuts on the side of the 3 fish's, and put some salt a little piece on garlic and parsley then open the belly and put salt to the taste , and the same stuff that went in the side adding a little olive oil to.

On the side crush the remaining garlic, ( if there is any , just get another glove ) the rest of the parsley salt lemon juice and olive oil , blend very good to make a past, that will be for the fish once you are eating it... Then you can grill them for 7-8 min. per side or put them in a pan big enough for all 3 covered with some aluminum foil on the bottom and the top , when you put the fish down , add some vino bianco half glass with a pinch of salt, cover and put them in the oven at 350 for 15-20 min.

I hope you like it , and if you don't understand the recipe , well , that is the reason i never write them , because my English is just not that GOOD.... :-)

Ciao every one, love you all Dolly.

Jul 9, 2008

Coffee at my house...

Hi This was a nice day , my and my friend Michel where at my house and the kids where playing so i just decided to have Cappuccino, with Flan, it is the second time that i make it , and let me tell you it came out very good and the best for me , is the face of Michel when she tasted it, she told me that it seamed like Italian Cappuccino that she use to have there , the only difference was that i made them cold , since it was very hot, over here in AZ... the Flan i have to say i made it with a German box, and the cappuccino I made from the real thing, Italian home made coffee and foamy milk, with only little sugar... Michel i will miss you that is for sure... love you all my friends see you soon....Dolly your Italian friend.

Jul 5, 2008

Last dinner with the Hellers....

Finally i found them, these pictures where lost for 5 months , i thought that i lost the camera, but when we moved here in the middle of the boxes we found it, so i got the pictures and i am posting something that i was going to post many months ago.... so i am posting it now.. My friends made me a typical German dinner it was so good. I would not know the recipes but i know that the pictures are nice and i swear .......IT WAS VERY GOOD......... So enjoy the German Dinner... Love you all , your Italian friend Dolly.