Sep 13, 2007

Tupperware party

Well ,I will say ,that is was a great Party, we had lot's of fun.
I love all the people in this town and my friends that live near by... they are good people and that is the reason I have these little party's from time to time....
So here it is, the table with the food and the products well some of them...then there are all the friends invited, except 2-3 that didn't make it , bummer...

And this is my friend Leila, she is the one that got me started with this Ya ! my friend...!!! Dolly....

And yes the person that did the Tupperware was a nice Man, see they can do thing like this to.....

And this is the food I had Sandwiches with different cheeses and meats they were very good, i say were because there are no more left..... Thank God, if not i had to eat them , and trust me I don't need them.... :-)

I made some roll ups with tortilla cream cheese ,Mortadella and chives really good...

My only known punch mixed fruit with pine apple juice and orange juice, every one likes it , and with the left over you put some Rum in it and have a party at night..... :-)

And My Tiramisu' that is a must if not my friends kill me.....
There is nothing better then a Italian girl that makes Tiramisu', right????

So this is all , i hope every one enjoys it and please and recipes , just ask and i will tell you, love ya ! Dolly the Italian girl...

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