Aug 30, 2007



10 years , isn't that something.... I still can't believe it some times,

but we made it here and we are going to make it again.....

So for the night we got a baby sitter, Iris ...and we went out to eat ,to a nice little traditional German Gasthouse "KERN", and we had the famous cheese soup that comes in a bread bowl, then i got a plate with salmon and potato's and a salad, Kurt got a stake cooked in bacon bits and onions, with green beans home fried potatoes and grilled tomato, everything was so good , and the most important thing it was relaxing and quiet..... :-)Aren't these flowers special, my kids got them from a field when we where out , they are so pretty...

Here we are at the restaurant,aren't we cute...

this is the famous cheese soup..

And Iris brought us these wonderful flower...isn't she sweet..

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