Aug 30, 2007



10 years , isn't that something.... I still can't believe it some times,

but we made it here and we are going to make it again.....

So for the night we got a baby sitter, Iris ...and we went out to eat ,to a nice little traditional German Gasthouse "KERN", and we had the famous cheese soup that comes in a bread bowl, then i got a plate with salmon and potato's and a salad, Kurt got a stake cooked in bacon bits and onions, with green beans home fried potatoes and grilled tomato, everything was so good , and the most important thing it was relaxing and quiet..... :-)Aren't these flowers special, my kids got them from a field when we where out , they are so pretty...

Here we are at the restaurant,aren't we cute...

this is the famous cheese soup..

And Iris brought us these wonderful flower...isn't she sweet..

Aug 29, 2007

Friends and food..

What can you ask more than have a good meal with friends, I don't think that there is much more in Life...well my kids and husband....!!!!! Yesterday i took my kids over my friends house for a play date and at the end we all came over at my house for dinner... so there we are at my house eating like Pigs....I hope you enjoy, we did...
OK the steak got out of control my hubby burnt it a little , but I will eat it only like that , OK i know no bods should it meat so cooked , but sorry if it haves even only pink i will not eat it.......But for me it was good ,lol....

This is sun dried tomato's , with Olive oil &feta cheese

A wonderful salad made from Leila ,with Avocado, tomato's

red cabbage & lettuce

grilled veggies

Here are the kids , eating their food, sausages corn cheese...

Aug 27, 2007

Baby shower

OK, I will tell you that ,all this was a challenge for me....
I had a baby shower for a friend , and it was the first time for me, and i wanted everything perfect , because she is a special person...i had the help of two other friends , thank GOD.....
Susanne and Andi did all the planing and the invitations and the games, i was in charged of the decoration in the house and the food, that is the reason we did it at my house , , well I had my husband that helped to (he was great..)
So we did make it at the end and it came out wonderful, Brandi was happy , and the cake that a friend of ours Had made was beautiful and super i hope you all like the pictures of the party and food, a wish you a good day , and at the next dinner or party,Ciao Dolly.

Quesadillas with cheese and chicken, so die for.....
Home made pica De Gallo or salsa
A fruit punch made with pin apple juice and 7up and lots of can add a little of rum for a twist...but not for a baby shower
Cheese and Red grapes
Little hot dogs in BBQ sauce
Dips with , on the left onion and sour cream dip, then salsa, and a bean Philadelphia dip.
Caprese , Mozzarella and tomato's and White grapes with cheese.And here it is ,all....

Cream puff with chocolate drizzled on and strawberries
Here she is the future momma, with her beautiful cake

OK you guys so it all, i hope you enjoyed everything, ciao to everyone , your friend Dolly

Aug 21, 2007

food at friends house...

Hi every one, here there is a typical American BBQ, with grilled steak and potato salad, green beans casserole, salad, deviled eggs, well it's not enough if i say that we eat like pigs.... !!!!

And these are some friends that where there, and my kids, but like usually i am not in the pictures, that's what happens when you take the pictures....he !he !he !


I am trying to get back in the routine of taking pictures of my cooking but after 2weeks of not doing it it is hard to remember, so i am trying my best, tonight we had some friends at home with us for dinner , they have two kids like us a little smaller but they all get along....we had Stake mixed salad grilled hole mushrooms, bell peppers and red radicchio, then i made spezel it's a German tip of gnocchi or dumplings with a mushroom cream and wine sauce, well i think that everything was very good since there was no left overs at all... so i am getting in the grove again and hope to make you want some of my food, have a nice day , ciao Dolly.

these are my friend Diana and her daughter Ariel.