Jun 26, 2007

Costarican - Italian mix dinner

OK...Here i am, back on the stove......i hope that you like my dinner choices,it's hard to cook something different every day but i am lucky in a since my hubby is Spanish decent,so it make is a lot easier , now i can do Spanish dish's to...... :-)
This is Papas con choriso,it is very good ......believe me..!!!!
OK, now i made a Italian dish,more precisely it's from south Italy, (Puglia..)
and it's just pasta with peas. A simple dish that everyone likes.

This is my mixed salad, with red lettuce, green lettuce ,tomatoes, cucumbers and feta cheese
with a Brindisi rosso, red wine...

This is my Hubby that already eat everything from his plate,I can't keep up with him....Maybe that is the reason that his gets on my plate and helps me with my food....:-)

and these are my kids, they love Pasta with piselli, this is a good way to feed them peas...one of the few veggies that they eat....

Well I hope that you all like what i posted . for all of you that want the recipes just ask and i will try to make you happy, Buon Appetito, your friend Dolly.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great food Dolly. What is the first dish, you know theyellow stuff? potatoeS? Its great your kids eat peas, i guess u started giving them peas very early. Good, have a great ansbach coffee break. Ciao