Oct 14, 2008


Well there is no excuses for not posting stuff on the blog, but now that Kurt is gown i am very lazy and do not cook as much or i forget to take pictures those times i do , because i don't cook as much, we have our days where it is only ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly or only some simple pasta, or we go to our friends to  eat and i forget to take the camera... so there are sum events that food was made and taken pictures but i never posted , so this morning i will add some of them to catch you guys up a little... remember only one thing , i always love you all and think about you my friends...... this is a blog about the night we had Bunko at my house and we had very much fun, i made the 3 desserts , Tiramisu', Amaretto cookies with mascarpone cheese and strawberry with Nutella , and every one else brought something yummy... i made my self a big plate , i am sure that you would like to do the same, well my friends a big , Ciao ,from your Italian friend Dolly.

Buon appetito....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

everything looks so goos as usual. the tiramisu looks so yummy. So many great food.Love