Oct 20, 2008

Good Bye Dinner

Hi everyone, this is some pictures of a night full of laughs an stories , it was a good bye dinner for sandy ,Trevor and the kids, right now in this moment they are in the beautiful Hawaii , for 3 years and we are still here in AZ, well but at least , my friend Sandy got to see how i make my lasagna , and eat it to, she was very happy and i need to say that we all where , they are a nice family and good friends to have, Good Luck  my friend, i hope that every one loves the food it was very good.... ciao from Dolly your Italian friend...

Oct 17, 2008


Ok I know that you seen this before , but i t is hard to have something now that Kurt is gown , and when friends come on over at the last minute , well this is something easy to make and fast  it takes around 30 min. And since Shawn , Kendra's hubby likes meet , well i had to add the Kebasa for , him.. so i did :Spanish rice , Potatoes and Kebasa  ,Steamed Veggies and Kebasa in a pan, well this is it, i hope you like it, ciao from your Italian friend, Dolly

Oct 14, 2008


Well there is no excuses for not posting stuff on the blog, but now that Kurt is gown i am very lazy and do not cook as much or i forget to take pictures those times i do , because i don't cook as much, we have our days where it is only ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly or only some simple pasta, or we go to our friends to  eat and i forget to take the camera... so there are sum events that food was made and taken pictures but i never posted , so this morning i will add some of them to catch you guys up a little... remember only one thing , i always love you all and think about you my friends...... this is a blog about the night we had Bunko at my house and we had very much fun, i made the 3 desserts , Tiramisu', Amaretto cookies with mascarpone cheese and strawberry with Nutella , and every one else brought something yummy... i made my self a big plate , i am sure that you would like to do the same, well my friends a big , Ciao ,from your Italian friend Dolly.

Buon appetito....