Aug 12, 2008

Going away dinner

One thing I don't like about the military , and i think i told you all already is meeting people and becoming friends , and soon after have to say good bye.
well these 3 families are going in different directions , and i am very sad. so i had a dinner at my place to celebrate the day that we all met . The kids had a blast to, and this was there quiet time to relax, watching a movie. 
Well good bye my friends and we will see each other soon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man u are killing me. Thos eggplants look so good and the lasagna my god. The tiramisu and the stuffed mushrooms are to die for. And lets not talk about thos polish potteries. Nader didnt take me, i guess he doesnt love me...WE miss u alot.