Apr 29, 2008

I am back in business

I am back in business, I think that i am coat up with the blog , i hope to be good as i was and keep posting my food, every one just remember that if you want a recipe ask for it and i will write it for you, so i hope that you look at my blog again like you use to , ciao Dolly.

home made pizza

Kurt finally got me my Kitchen Aid, and I am making pizza....!!! It is getting better every day...I am making different ones , tonight we had Pizza bruschetta , with olive oil,tomatoes, garlic and basil, the sec. one was ,tomato sauce cheese, prosciutto crudo,basil and sliced tomatoes, so good....yammy....!!!!then we had chicken and pasta with meat sauce ... our friends loved it and we love it when our guest like what they eat..... ciao alla prossima, your Italian friend , Dolly.....
P.S. Trixie made a delicious cake with a cream cheese topping.......

Dinner with Chris and the family....

OK this was my dinner with my friend Chris and her family, I love her so much , she is the sweetest.... I can't wait for her to give birth to Krisp, her new going to be baby , is name is going to be Kris, but we are going to call him Krisp...... Going back to the dinner,we had so much food , even the kids eat a lot of pasta, then we eat Flan for dessert , with yammy Strawberries stake, green bean salad eggplant saltue',Mixed salad, tagliatelle al ragu' orecchiette alla crudaiola, well i just need to say if you see something, let me know and i will give you the recipe...Until then buon appetito, dolly

Compleanno di Andrea

Ciao come state.... We had fun at Andreas Birthday , even if we just got to AZ we made lots of friend and Andrea had lots of kids at her birthday, one of our friend made this beautiful cake of Dora, Andrea was happy, now I need to see what to do for Matteo , but we will cross that bridge when it comes, ciao to everyone, Dolly.

Dinner at the hotel......

What can i say, i tryed to cook at the hotel , but let me tell you it was very hard ,no space no good pans, super small, and i need space to cook... but we had fried Egg plant with olive oil and garlic , then a salad with Goat cheese and balsamic vinegar, a loaf of french Bread and chicken in a mushroom sauce, we enjoyed and i hope you like it as well, love ya ! all Dolly.

Easter 2008 in AZ.....

Well there is lots of things to say about my life now, i Will just start with some pictures and food , i hope you enjoy , Easter was nice we where already in AZ and my friend Jackie invited us for a Easter lunch , it was lots of food , {I made some of it..... :-) } and lots of friends , the kids had a blast they found so many eggs.... but lots of the chocolate was melted because of the hot sun that day..... we eat like pigs , { like always} and we played , so yes it was a nice day, the only thing that i wished for was , having all the friends here even you.... ciao belli buona Giornata, your friend Dolly..... if you would like the recipes just drop me a note and i will give them to you.....