Feb 29, 2008

Dinner with the Browns

Hi everyone , how are things around the world, we had this dinner a week after we got here it is a funny story how we met this family.... We where looking for a house and i was tired to not know if the houses where empty or not so one day i st oped to ask someone , i rang the doar bell and this nice lady came out so we where talking and we discovered that her dad and Kurt worked together in Germany , and to top of the story , 2 weeks after that My mom and her dad met in a conference in Germany, isn't that funny...
So we had dinner and every thing was super , the Italian stile pasta that Ariel made was good , with Zucchini, Peppers sausage and cream... then she made this creamy dessert that i never had but it was good, i need to ask her the ingredients, and at last but not least , peanut butter brownies, wow there are 5 Kg. , well i need to say thank you Ariel... hope you all enjoy it, ciao Dolly....



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Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see the new pics. Have beeen checking everyday but nothing was posted. I cant wait to see you guys faces............Love u tons.