Feb 29, 2008

Dinner with the Browns

Hi everyone , how are things around the world, we had this dinner a week after we got here it is a funny story how we met this family.... We where looking for a house and i was tired to not know if the houses where empty or not so one day i st oped to ask someone , i rang the doar bell and this nice lady came out so we where talking and we discovered that her dad and Kurt worked together in Germany , and to top of the story , 2 weeks after that My mom and her dad met in a conference in Germany, isn't that funny...
So we had dinner and every thing was super , the Italian stile pasta that Ariel made was good , with Zucchini, Peppers sausage and cream... then she made this creamy dessert that i never had but it was good, i need to ask her the ingredients, and at last but not least , peanut butter brownies, wow there are 5 Kg. , well i need to say thank you Ariel... hope you all enjoy it, ciao Dolly....


Feb 25, 2008

Finnaly back

Ciao everyone, here it is ,"super ball night", we went over some friends house , Jakie and Johns, there they had other people over , very nice family and we had dinner and we watch the game, not that i really like it ,but the company was good.... we had dear salami, with Parmesan cheese, 7 layer dip,spinach and cheese dip with crackers , very good, Ricotta e spinach lasagna,honey BBQ wings, a artichoke salad veggies home made cup cakes and brownies, well I need to say that we eat like pigs ..... So I am back on track ,I hope,,,hehehe!!!
So i hope that i will be able to keep on posting, since i don't have a home yet ,and i don't cook that much, I love you all ciao from your friend Dolly