Nov 29, 2007


Hi everybody, you can see that i had Kimchi for dinner, but i can't say that i made it , because a friend of mine gave it to me to taste, i was kind of scared at the beginning , because of the intense smell, but then i gave my self some courage and i had it with the rice, and i have to say that it was not bad, a little spicy but not bad.So i need to say that i will be safe in Korea if we ever went... but my kids... lol ,that will be fun to see...., so this is the latest , well tonight i will have Ceci in brodo... or with pasta , i need to see, but it is a good vegetarian dish for my friends that are, ciao belli have a nice day and i will see you sooner or later, Dolly...

Nov 26, 2007


Rachel came over for diner and I know ,that she doesn't eat pasta that much, since she is on a diet, to louse what , I don't know......So i had some Saccottini with spinach and bacon filling and some cream sauce , then on the side i made chicken with mushrooms, asparagus just boiled with some salt and then i drained them and put some olive oil and fresh pepper on them, to finish we had some broccoli cauliflower gratin... i think everything was good, we didn't have many left overs.. that's a good sign , right.....? LOL.. Buon Appetito, Dolly.

Dinner with a friend

I had over a friend and her Son for dinner, we had fun and we eat lot's , i made:Spaghetti with Tuna and capers, Salmon with green bean raped in bacon, cucumber and tomato salad, Caprese and Banana pudding, we eat lot's what about you guys,getting
Buon appetito, Dolly Here is Matteo Andrea And Aidan

Thanks Giving dinner

We went to Italy for Thanks Giving, to visit my mom.... so we had thanksgiving dinner at her house, she cooked the turkey and i did all the side dishes, starting with : Corn, Cranberry, Mash potato, corn bread, regular bread, the gravy that i didn't take a picture and stuffing that was in the Bird, well the Turkey is the hit. very good and not dry, , we had to give the kids different , they did not want the turkey, so we had to give them prosciutto crudo di San Daniele. {Who was stationed in Italy "Aviano" will know what I am talking about....}
So what can i say , I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, because we did, Ciao everyone , i hope you all are OK and have good Xmas preparations...your friend Dolly the Italian want to be

Nov 15, 2007

Lasagna & veggies

OK today I have friends over for dinner so i made lasagna and some vegetables .
The veggies that I had where green beans boiled and then i put some garlic , olive oil vinegar and salt, basically like a salad Italian stile, the eggplants i cut them in little pieces and then fried them in some olive oil and garlic, added some concentrated broth and that's all when they where soft they where ready.... some leeks always in the pan with some olive oil and broth that is it, really easy, but you need to like that type of veggie... and last but not least the lasagna, well that will be to long to tell how i made it but if you want the recipe just ask and you will be told..
Buon Appetito from your Italian friend Dolly


Today we got some Asparagus at the commissary, so I made some chicken with fresh asparagus and a nice salad, for the kids I made some pasta with meat sauce , I have to say sorry for the messy pasta plate , but I forgot to take a picture so I had to take it after my daughter started..... :-) .
I hope you like the pictures and remember if you want any recipe just ask and i Will give it to you, Buon Appetito Dolly.

Nov 4, 2007


My mom's last day at Bourgoberbach we invited some friends for dinner, since Franco my Dad brought from Italy, some good fresh fish so my mom made her specialty pasta with fresh mushrooms and sausage then we had backed potatoes and a mixed salad, everything was very good, couldn't be better.... well i hope you like it all, and remember Buon Appetito, your sincere friend Dolly

Nov 3, 2007

Good food

Today my mom arrive and we had dinner all together, it's nice to have them over, even if only for few days , the kids love it, they get to play all the time and get gifts and you know everything that comes with it.....My mom brought some sausages so we grilled them and i made corn bread Zucchini in the pan ( well my mom made those...) mushrooms on the grill and , and for dessert we had a Costarican pastry that i made for the first time, with Guava jelly - Ricotta butter, they came out very good, but next time i need to make them a little smaller... well if any one would like the recipes of anything on the blog , just let me know, buon appetito , your friend Dolly..