Jan 2, 2009

New Years eve...2008

Hi everybody , How was your end of year ? Mine was good even if it could been better, 
( because Kurt was not here ).
But we had lots of friends and food so i can say that I was blessed this end of year like last one.. 
 I had my Mom and Dad  , and to couples with there kids over , I know these people since italy , we were stationed there together . The Steventon's and the Kirk's , and this is the first time that Matteo stayed up until 24:00 

Me and my Mom

Well this is Sam that did not make it night night at 21:30 ish... Followed from.....

This is Me and Matteo on the Phone with daddy...

and this is Me on the Phone with Daddy toasting the New year....2009....
I miss you honey..

Kendra and Shawn 
Mom and Franco
John and Jackie
The kids eating
Us eating , well i am there to but taking pictures so you don't see me....

Hanging out ...
The table...

Isn't it cute?
For appetizers we had: Bread sticks, olives , Salmon roles with cream cheese 
Cold cuts and cheese and

then we had Lentils with sausages ,It is a italian tradition, we think they bring money for the new year, so i made every one eat some even if they did not care for Lentils .
Then my mom made meat roles with sauce , and pasta to , but forgot to take the picture, sorry and Saltin' Bocca alla romana , it is veal with hame and sage sprinkled with some flower  and cooked in a little of oil , very good .Risotto with Mushroom and sausage , that i forgot to take the picture... with mashed potato and Corn.

We had dessert to , well very yummy dessert, cream cheese cake and pine apple casserole but well forgot to take pictures there to, sorry, not very good at it anymore , i was to busy eating....
But i have to say we had fun and eat like piggies , so the last thing I have to say to all of you , is 
Buon 2009, 
Have a nice 2009
Ciao From your Italian friend Dolly....