Dec 30, 2008

A dinner with Kendra and her family before the Christmas holidays , we had stakes , spaghetti and veggies .... And we are going to be together again for New Years Eve dinner, so we will see what we will have  for dinner....  If you have any suggestions let me know...Ciao and have a super end of Year..... Love you Dolly your Italian friend.....

Dec 27, 2008

It is funny but some times the kids asks me to make a Flower , and this is what it looks like, 
is it cute ?
 well for the grown ups I made some green beens in  tomato sauce, mash potato's, salad and grilled meat with sausage the kids eat that also , I hope you enjoy, Love Dolly, your Italian friend...

Well if you fill like pasta, here you are,  a good  meat sauce with Farfalle pasta,
then you have good chicken and steak  grilled with zucchini and egg plant , for the ones that don't like to explore  with strange veggies there is some corn .. Buon Appetito my friends, ciao Dolly