Jul 26, 2007


OK today i tryed for the first time to cook the green Enchiladas, they came out pretty good.....
then i even did the regular ones they had a kick , with Spanish rice, well i thought that it tasted more like, A want to be Spanish rise...... but it was good.....
Then we had to have Margarita drinks those where good to.... :-) !!!
And at the end we had to finish with Brownies and the left over Apple strudel from the night before.... I am glad I posted all of my food and I hope you like it.
Ciao from Dolly, Buon Appetito.


Today i made some fried chicken breast , and German potatoes filled with cheese and ham.
for side dish we had corn and beans, and since a friend was invited to dinner i made garlic bread and apple strudel, well i think that everything was good and tasty,i will be back to you soon as i cook something else, ciao from Dolly

Jul 24, 2007


A evening with good friends and good food.Caprese, grilled meat and salad
well next time if you want to join us , please, we take reservation.

Jul 20, 2007

Mixed dinner

Well, tonight i wanted to eat something spicy, and i Love hot wings , so that i made,
but for my kids i couldn't give them hot wings , so i made fish sticks with mash potato's
and withe rice, they loved there food and me and Kurt loved ours, so every one was
Happy and full... :-)
like always i hope you enjoy , and Buon Appetito, from Dolly....

Jul 19, 2007


Well nothing better then a fresh made Bruschetta,
followed by potato's and sausage,
with corn and salad.
Buon Appetito.

Jul 18, 2007

Grilling out with friends

I made Pasta with green beans in tomato sauce, a hit...
with a salad , green beans and grilled meat, Chicken and PorkBuon Appetito, from Dolly.

Jul 15, 2007


Friends , this is the important thing in life i think, we all need good friends and i need to say that i luck lye found many of them, but some of my friends are very special , and Iris and Michael are on of them. They invited us for a summer Lunch, they grilled some super food and made a good salad with some fried veggies, well we eat like pigs , but it was worth it, good wine and good company , my special German friends, i love them so much, after the lunch , (that ended very late after 1800 , like Italians... :-) ) we went to a beautiful Park in Ansbach , that i would like to tell every one to go and visit, it is very nice .ok after all this i will say good night and I hope everyone enjoy, Buon Appetito from Dolly

Jul 12, 2007

Soup & Veggies

Tonight we had soups and veggies, the kids had a clear soup with pasta in it
and we had a tomato soup with croutons very good i have to say.... :-)

then i had mushrooms and eggplants grilled then added garlic and olive oil.

Wine and water for drinks and good appetito, from me again, ciao to all of you , dolly.

white dinner

Today ,I made a white dinner for a guest that we had over for dinner . Every thing was very good and our guest loved it , ( at least that's whats she sad..... :-) )

A mixed salad

Mini meat loafs with cream cheese in them,

German spetzel with cream sauce and mushrooms
And we had Ricotta cheese , i hope you enjoy ,
Buon Appetito , ciao from Dolly