Dec 25, 2007

Christmas Dinner

Hi every one it has been so long since I've posted something, and it is not because i am not cooking, but i am always running doing things or getting the kids ready for bed an now that we are PCSing so soon it will be even worse. So many things to do and so little time to do them. So here I am posting our Christmas Eve's dinner that we had with my parents and a friend, Rachel. It turned out to be a nice dinner and a good time while we waited to exchange gifts. Good food and good company is always the best combination. Well, Merry Christmas to all the good friends, to the whole world and to our soldiers away from their families!!
With love your Italian friend Dolly...

Dec 20, 2007

Birth Day

Hi everybody, well, well, today was my Birthday and i tryed to keep it low , but didn't make .. The kids with Daddy got me a cake , and it was very good i have to say... I think it was the best Birthday that i had in the last 10 years, because the real happiness that my kids expressed for the little party was the best gift that I could every receive.ciao every one, and Happy Birthday to ME.....:-)

Dec 8, 2007

Few nights ago i had some Beef and Pork meat so i decide to make some Spezzatino with Potato's, and it came out very good i had some rice and a mixed salad with it , and dinner was served. love you all , ciao Dolly.

Chick Peas Spaghetti

A friend of mine told me that she had pasta with chick peas and it made my wanting some , so i decided to have some, Lucky we had some chick peas in the house , so i put them in water for 12 hrs and then i cooked them in water with onions , celery tomatoes and broth, after i cooked them for 4 -5 hrs i drained them , in a pan i cut slices of Zucchini and peppers with olive oil and garlic fryed them for 5 -6 min. and then added 3-4 scoops of chick peas in it , fried them for few , and when the spaghetti where cooked Kurt drained them and then i salted them with the veggies and there they where , believe me they where very good, so i hope you guys like the recipe, like always Buon appetito, from your friend Dolly.

Egg Plants ,yammy....

Today i was so happy to go over Leila's house for dinner, she cooks so good,and she even did filled Egg Plants for me, they where so yammy...then she had strogonoff and a super salad... for Dessert she mad a Cream Caramel with Pine Apple, it was very good , and i made Banana pudding for the kids, they seamed to like it.. We all had a great time, i love to go to her house she is so nice and we always have fun, we are even going to plan a vacation to Holland , well Amsterdam.. that should be fun.....but that will be another story.. so i hope you will enjoy all of this and i will post some other pictures later on this day... ciao from your friend Dolly, Buon Appetito

Buon Appetito

Nov 29, 2007


Hi everybody, you can see that i had Kimchi for dinner, but i can't say that i made it , because a friend of mine gave it to me to taste, i was kind of scared at the beginning , because of the intense smell, but then i gave my self some courage and i had it with the rice, and i have to say that it was not bad, a little spicy but not bad.So i need to say that i will be safe in Korea if we ever went... but my kids... lol ,that will be fun to see...., so this is the latest , well tonight i will have Ceci in brodo... or with pasta , i need to see, but it is a good vegetarian dish for my friends that are, ciao belli have a nice day and i will see you sooner or later, Dolly...

Nov 26, 2007


Rachel came over for diner and I know ,that she doesn't eat pasta that much, since she is on a diet, to louse what , I don't know......So i had some Saccottini with spinach and bacon filling and some cream sauce , then on the side i made chicken with mushrooms, asparagus just boiled with some salt and then i drained them and put some olive oil and fresh pepper on them, to finish we had some broccoli cauliflower gratin... i think everything was good, we didn't have many left overs.. that's a good sign , right.....? LOL.. Buon Appetito, Dolly.

Dinner with a friend

I had over a friend and her Son for dinner, we had fun and we eat lot's , i made:Spaghetti with Tuna and capers, Salmon with green bean raped in bacon, cucumber and tomato salad, Caprese and Banana pudding, we eat lot's what about you guys,getting
Buon appetito, Dolly Here is Matteo Andrea And Aidan